
Immersive Retreat of Sharing Presence

Join Jason for a deep experience of connecting in presence with like-minded souls. During our weekend or one-week retreat we practice powerful exercises to enhance our experience of shared presence.

Intentions & Practices

Relating Silently in Presence

We learn to communicate without the noise of words and discover the language of our being.

Communicating in Presence

We learn to consciously express our feelings and thoughts without our egos taking over.

Relaxing in Presence

We explore a variety of exercises that effortlessly invite us to experience inner peace and calm.

Healing in Presence

We learn to share feelings that are buried alive inside us and long to be acknowledged. 

Eating in Presence

We explore our relationship with food and learn to eat slowly, mindfully and gracefully.

Walking in Presence

In every step we take we learn to see, hear, smell and feel the aliveness of the present moment.  

Want to join our next Retreat?

Join our mailing-list and be the first to know when Jason has scheduled his next Retreat. To help us offer a retreat near you, we appreciate if you can share your location.

Invite Jason to host a Retreat

If you would like Jason to offer a Retreat at your organisation or spiritual centre,  please contact us to discuss a potential event in the future.
