You are Presence

We all know what presence feels like ā€“ that moment ofĀ being fully present ā€“ sensingĀ an intense aliveness, a state of no thoughts, just pure awareness. We feel totally open, detached from our story and identity.

A Mindfulness Practice for Everyone

The Sharing Presence Practice was founded in 2008 by Jason Lee Mitchell. Our practice is truly for everyone, because we all can learn to consciously share our presence.  It's a simple intention we can practice with any person. Everyday is an opportunity to invite someone to be fully present.

Our Intention

In our practice we focus on one simple intention: to share presence. Whatever we do or say during this time is always secondary. What matters most is our shared experience of being together in presence. To help us embody this intention, we practice powerful exercises that connect us in the most intimate way and invite us to feel the deepest sharing of who we are.

Our Experience

When we share presence, we become aware of a much deeper dimension inside us but also in the other. We begin to feel our shared essence. Our egos may resist this feeling at first, but from the moment we feel safe enough to let down our barriers, we allow ourselves to be seen for who we truly are. We also see the other for who they really are. We experience true love and discover that we are one consciousness.

How do we share presence?

Being in Presence

We learn to communicate without the noise of words and discover the language of our presence.

Communicating in Presence

We learn to consciously express our feelings and thoughts without our egos taking over.

Witnessing in Presence

We learn to become a conscious observer of our thoughts, emotions, conditioning and the ego.

Relaxing in Presence

We explore a variety of exercises that effortlessly invite us to experience inner peace and calm.

Moving in Presence

Our body is our gateway into presence – we learn to sense the aliveness of the present moment.  

Healing in Presence

We learn to express challenging feelings and thoughts that are buried alive inside us.